Office Contact Information
Phone: (306)245-3256

Email: [email protected] 
Physical Address: PT NE 32 14 14 W2   Francis SK
Mailing Address: Box 36, Francis, SK S0G 1V0

Click to view the high-res Map of RM Of Francis

Payment Options
We accept cash, cheque, e-transfer and online payments with Credit Union financial institutions

Meeting Information 

  • Council meetings are scheduled for the 2nd Thursday of each month commencing at 9am but the date or time may change when other time commitments conflict
  • Council meetings are open to- the public and held in the RM Council Chambers unless otherwise posted/notified
  • As per 13.6 of the Council Procedures Bylaw  – all administrative reports communication from the public, requests, or any other material intended for inclusion in a council agenda must be received by the administrator no later than 1 week before the council meeting.
  •  Delegations Request Form submitted to the administrator after the agenda deadline may not be heard by council